Supporting Member Registration
Statement of Purpose:
- To uphold high standards of midwifery practice.
- To unify and increase communication among midwives.
- To promote official recognition of professional midwifery by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
- To represent midwives to the public.
- To handle complaints among midwives and consumers.
- To provide educational opportunities.
- To promote services to midwives that address diversity, foster inclusiveness and enhance cultural awareness.
By signing up on this website: I agree to practice within the scope of the MMA Practice Guidelines. MMA Practice Guidelines can be found here:
Electronic Notice Authorization: By signing this authorization, you agree to receive all meeting notices and mail ballots, for actions which require mail ballots votes, via electronic mail.
Membership Payment: Once you submit the form, you must make your payment via PayPal below. The fee is $50 per year for supporting members. If you do not want to use PayPal see below for options by mail.
Supporting Members Signup Form
Additional Details
Apply via Mail: Please contact for application form. Make checks, payable to MMA, and mail to : MMA c/o Rebecca Beck, 9 Worcester Ave, Turners Falls, MA 01376.
Apply online: Obtain membership form and send it to AND pay on line via PayPal after submitting the above form.
Any updates in your contact information should be sent to:
For questions and/or more information about membership in MMA please contact our officers:
Co-Presidents, Tanya Rapinchuk, 413-695-1243, and Kim Lueders, 508-328-4047,
Treasurer, Rebecca Beck, 508-341-7191
Thank you!