Fees and Commitments
Join the Massachusetts Midwives Alliance!
All midwives who join the MMA agree to practice within the scope of the MMA Practice Guidelines. Membership is $100 per year for midwives (CPMs, LMs, CNMs, Primary Midwives Under Supervision, DEMs) and $50 per year for supporting members (Students, Apprentice Midwives, Doulas, CBEs, Others in the childbirth field). You will not be able to join a committee, have your business listed on the website, or join our subgroups unless you are a supporting or voting member.
Get Involved!
There are many opportunities to promote and support midwifery by serving on one or more of the following task forces/committees: Continuing Education, Marketing, Board of Directors, Peer Review, Practice Guidelines Review, Public Relations and much more!
Join/Renew Today!