MMA Midwifery Course Classes

The Massachusetts Midwives Alliance Basic Course in Midwifery meets twice a month to learn from practicing midwives from around Massachusetts. Each full day class consists of a seminar style presentation on the material studied at home the preceding month, and usually a skills practicum. Light summer work will be assigned in preparation for the first class. These are full days, so expect to arrive on time and be prepared to run a few minutes over if the material demands it. Due to the intensive nature of the days, only non-mobile nursing babies will be allowed.

Class Schedule :

Winter/Spring 2025

03/01/2025 Orientation: Midwifery model of care-evidence-based care/birth circle

03/15/2025 Disparities/racism/cultural competency/ serving LGBQT families

03/29/2025 Medical Terminology/A&P

04/12/2025 First Trimester-establishing care-informed consent/communication

04/26//2025 Nutrition in the Childbearing Year- CPR

05/10/2025 Second Trimester-prenatal-bellies

05/31/2025 Labs and Medications-blood draw-IM injection

06/14/2025 Pelvic exams/well woman care

06/28/2024 Third trimester-postdates/home visit

*Summer Holiday Break*

Late Summer/Fall  2025

08/23/2025 Research-evidence-based care

09/06/2025 Labor and Delivery-early labor/active/2nd stage-physiological

09/20/2025 Labor and Delivery-birth bag/set up/roles-role play

10/04/2025 Immediate postpartum-third stage-EBl-

10/18/2025 Postpartum-childbearing year-pp visits

11/01/2025 Lactation for providers

11/15/2025 Unusual Labor-1

12/06/2025 Unusual Labor-2

*Holiday Break*

   Winter/Spring 2026

01/10/2026 C-sec/VBAC & Birth advocacy

01/24/2026 The prenatal journey:case studies and practice protocols-circling back

02/07/2026 Neonatal pediatrics-the first six weeks

02/21/2026 Business of Midwifery/Next Steps/Research paper/homework updates

03/07/2026 Alternative Therapies and Complementary Care

03/21/2026 Grief Workshop

04/11/2026  Suturing/skills day

04/28/2024  Childbirth Education

            *TBA Neonatal Certification opportunity*

            *Graduation Ceremony TBD*

*Classes are roughly every two weeks but there are some deviations, please watch dates carefully. Occasionally due to births or scheduling issues, class subjects might need to be switched within these dates. You will be notified with as much notice as possible.